Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 3, 2015

Why can not reach orgasm when sex

Posted By: Bien Pham - 08:56
I am 31 years old, had sex with two boys, but not every time you reach orgasm. What should I do?

I started a relationship with her ​​boyfriend at age 22 when he was in school and new school should both have no experience. What once was hurt, I was permanently scar gradually emotions. Then 3 years, I know one other brother. He is experienced but not once did I achieve orgasm. I said to myself let loose and enjoy but can not get better.
My boyfriend broke up Monday after four years we are together. Currently I live alone, but sometimes sex desire not really intense. Some people try to say "sex" with women see why, but I do not think there is a psychological problem because men prefer.
My problem is where? Please tell me more is currently very small breasts, girls in grade 7. I am sad and somewhat self-deprecating about it. Expect expert answers help. Hoang Anh ).
Artwork: Womenshealth .
Reply to:
Dear friends,
Frigidity in women's sexual weakness or decreased interest in "sex".Expression of avoiding touching the flesh to complete loss of sexual pleasure.
Sexual frigidity in women expressed at different levels. Researchers uniformly divided into five categories: Absolutely no desire or libido is very little; Apathy by psychological as physical touch abhor; Sexual needs overshadowed by illness, anxiety or passionate life activities such as sports or the arts; Apathy male premature ejaculation; Apathy by personality ...
Causes of apathy very diverse and complex. It can be caused by diseases such as shortage of female hormone (estrogen), gynecological diseases, urinary infections, diabetes, deformed vagina, clitoris ... Besides, due to psychological factors, such as with the impression fade, claiming to have these defects can not bring a feeling of satisfaction for the sexual, religious, haunted by the experience of the past and a number of other causes.
In case you mention is not necessarily sexual frigidity because you still desire, it is not only much. When your relationship is often irritated by little vaginal secretions can cause the body from factors such as hormone deficiency and female reproductive organs to malfunction. So you should first go to the hospital or medical facility for examination to find the cause.
Psychologically you do not get too stressed, anxious or depressed. You need to calm down, relax to find out the factors affecting their sexual feelings and find ways to change towards more positive. You can also ask for help from a psychologist.
Wish you happy.

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