The study lasted for more than a decade has shown much sleep less harmful than sleep. 30% of adults die sooner because sleep.
The best hours of sleep for adults is from 7 to 8 hours per night, this group ranks as average sleep. Group sleeping more often sleep more than 8 hours or more. Group is less than 6 hours of sleep each night.
Research done by the University of Warwick (UK) surveyed sleeping habits over time than a million people. The experts discovered excessive sleepiness can cause similar problems as too little sleep, including depression, heart disease, diabetes and other health problems.
Adults sleep more easily killed than sleep less. Photo: Mirror.
Professor Franco Cappuccio , a scientist in the Program of Sleep, Health and Society (University of Warwick) said, 12% of adults sleep group at coff to bed earlier than the group average, up to 30% group 8 hours sleep on the bed die earlier than the average group . It should be noted that the mortality rate due to sleep much the same as the harmful effects of alcohol and smoking on human health.
Dr. Gregg Jacobs, Sleep Disorders Center (University of Massachusetts, USA), suggest the ideal sleep time for adults is 7 hours per night. "Normally, adults sleep about 7 hours. This is the average sleep time of the adults in the world and fit, just enough for the body to rest, relax," he said.
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